Ask Dr. Pete: How to Remove Common Pet Stains
Getting a new puppy or kitten might be one of the most exciting moments of a fur parent’s life, but as many of us know (or will discover) extraordinary cuteness requires patience and some specialized cleaning tips. Dr. Pete breaks down the science of why these stains are so tough to remove and how to get rid of them.
Let's Talk About Yellow Pit Stains—And How to Clean 'Em
Ask Dr. Pete: How does hard water affect cleaning?
Dr. Pete is back with an in-depth explainer on how hard or soft water can affect the efficacy of your cleaning products. Read on to learn more.
How to Wash Red Wine Stains?
The Stubbornness of Grass Stains: Solved
What Are Enzyme Detergents and How Do They Work?
Enzymes are byproducts of all living organisms. They are not living organisms themselves; instead, they are proteins that act as catalysts and create many essential biochemical reactions. How do they work in laundry detergents? Read on to learn more.
Ask Dr. Pete: On Cellulases and Synthetics vs. Natural Ingredients
What is Greenwashing?
Greenwashing — also known as “green sheen” — is a lie. You’ve seen it before. You might have fallen for it, maybe you’re a skeptic. It’s the marketing that occurs around green-ness, or sustainability, designed to persuade consumers into thinking a product is “good” for the environment.
How To Remove Blood Stains From Clothes
Bloodstains are notorious for their steadfastness in staying in fabric and other things after washing. Read on to learn why blood stains are so hard to remove and how to get rid of them.
Why is Cat Pee So Tough to Clean?
The Science Behind Mustard and How to Get Rid of It (or Cry Trying)
How to Do a Load of Laundry: A Guide
Why Do Moths Eat Wool? How to Keep your Sweaters Safe.
Ask Dr. Pete: How to Remove Balsamic Vinegar Stains
Dr. Pete explains the science behind balsamic vinegar stains and how to remove them.
Chocolate & Your Clothes: A Love Story
5 Tips for Finding the Perfect Facemask
Ways to make wearing a non-medical face mask more practical, comfortable, and long-lasting for everyday life.
How to Wash Activewear and Workout Clothes: A Guide
What's the best way to wash activewear? Many of us make the mistake of washing and drying our athletic wear and technical apparel as we do everything else we wear. But activewear is different and requires some specialized cleaning techniques to make them last longer. Read on to learn more.
How To Limit Screen Time for Yourself – Tip & Ideas
A Clean Ingredient Guide for Parents
Extending the Life of Garments, Fabrics (& Earth)
Easy, earth-friendly ways to make your clothes — and your paycheck — last longer